Monday, March 8, 2010

GDC 2010 so far

Well, I was a tiny bit sad to be arriving at GDC on the first day, after all the keynotes had finished, but my pass doesn’t include keynotes so it wouldn’t really matter anyway.

Then, come to find out, despite swearing I had seen GDC listed repeatedly on its website as spanning March 8-13, I suddenly saw listings of March 9-13 everywhere.  Apparently the conference does not in fact start on Monday, but Tuesday.  So I didn’t miss anything.  Though one annoyance was that registration, which I assumed would be open all day, didn’t start until 5pm, so I had to wait for that for an hour and a half.

Also, though I was certain that there were several keynotes, the “Keynotes” link at the GDC 2010 home page only leads to a single keynote, by Sid Meier, on Friday (the day I leave).  So… somehow, despite my intense diligence, I was completely wrong about everything.  It’s like elementary school all over again.

So now I’m in my hotel room, unsure if there’s any sort of party or anything going on that I should attend.  I certainly didn’t hear or read about any.

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